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  • UniversalCinema

Interview About Can't Judge

By: Darida Rose

Darida Rose, Phoenix Journal (PJ): Can’t Judge has a very strong point of view. For our non-Japanese readers, could you tell us a bit about the Japanese response to the Corona virus?

Yuri Sasamoto (YS): Last year, the Japanese government was planning to invite a guest of the state from China.

However, the coronavirus leaked from Wuhan.

Chinese emigrants were prohibited entry into Taiwan immediately.

However, Chinese emigrants were not banned in Japan.

Japanese lives were put in jeopardy.

In the Japanese Cabinet, the responsibility is not clear.

There is no one who can judge even at the terminal office.

Sometimes the mass media has power.

Japanese people are easily instigated by the media.

Japanese people decide what they should say depending on the situation.

Japanese consider this to be a social lubricant.

The Japanese government does not say NO even if the Chinese one interfere with Japan's domestic affairs.

The Japanese government thinks that will make the relationship work.

However, The Chinese government did not stop interfering domestic administration and diplomacy of neighboring countries.

Chinese government put pressure on Japanese government and Japanese media.

Japanese fall into a vicious cycle.

(PJ): As far as you know, is this film in line with public opinion in Japan or would most people disagree that there is a threat of totalitarianism coming from the response to the virus?

(YS): This is a universal threat.

In Japan, not only people who die in corona but also people who commit suicide are increasing.

In particular, suicides due to financial suffering are increasing.

A controlled economy and totalitarian system cannot stably control the circulatory motion of commodities and money through their own power.

For a long time, the number of suicide has been more than 30,000 per year in Japan.

This number is comparable to the death toll in a major war.

People are sometimes treated as objects, not as living human beings due to the current situation with coronavirus (COVID-19).

In addition, human rights are difficult to recognize in countries where faith is not allowed ,such as China.

It’s a sad reality.

(PJ): Is this film a criticism of Japan’s response to the pandemic in particular, or is it a warning to all?

(YS): This is common not only in Japan but also in the world.

This is a borderless issue.

It's a dangerous situation if there is an invasive nation in the world.

(PJ): You seem to make reference to Hayek’s book, The Road to Serfdom. Is that one of your inspirations here?

(YS): I am also influenced by Hayek.

Big government means that there are many officials who manage the people and money.

Like labeled farmed fish, people are numbered and managed.

(PJ): Which do you think is the greater threat: lazy state-dependent people, or violent plundering people?

(YS): They are two sides of the same coin.

They have lost the spirit of self-help.

In a welfare state the people are guaranteed security from the cradle to the grave.

It sounds very good.

In Japan, the number of nuclear families is increasing.

To pay the price of welfare, taxes, such as national mandated health care program system,are increasing.

I heard from elderly people that "we feel like the government is telling us to die"

Many children grow up in national institutions.

Do they easily want to take care of their parents?

The family bonds are weak.

Human bonds are weak.

They get on badly with their neighbors.

The only place where they can talk about their lives for free is the government office.

If you rely on the money distributed by the country, you will be managed by the country.

Like labeled farmed fish, people are numbered and managed.

Your freedom is limited.

It is a convenient system for the invading nation.

(PJ): Why exactly do the first aliens think the phrase, “Can’t judge” is so funny?

(YS): On some stars in the universe, the word is already famous as dark humor.

However, the official laughs even though he doesn't understand the meaning.

Official assumes that the word is a lubricant that improves relationships.

However, the act itself is satire.

(PJ): Can you speak about the public servant’s role? Is his laziness in fact the real problem here?

(YS): This official acts according to the instructions from above, but does not think whether the instructions are good or bad.

He believes he will never be fired.

He is not interested in anything other than his mission and does not think about the whole or good and evil.

He doesn't even know about the next department.

He is unaware that his work does not protect the lives, safety and property of the people.

Officials cannot keep up with the speed of the private economy.

Official couldn't judge and the country was invaded before he knew it.

As Hannah Arendt pointed out, there is a danger that mechanized human behavior without thinking will be a part of totalitarianism.

(PJ): What exactly is the relationship between those who want to rely on the state for welfare and the danger posed by the government response to Covid?

(YS): Unemployment is also increasing due to the self-restraint of the coronavirus.

Government subsidies are temporary and will be used up immediately.

People can survive if they are taught how to fish instead of being given fish.

However, the invading nation will not teach you how to fish.

Invading nation will spoil the people and prevent them from becoming independent.

Big government approaches a socialist nation.

Socialism and communism lead to a violent revolution.

If you want big government in the coronavirus recession, you run the risk of looting and violence.

If you want to be controlled by big government, you run the risk of riots and looting.

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